Fort Myers Beach Property Values Jump Higher
Doc Ford's Offers Job Fair for new Captiva Eatery
continue to hire staff and will hold job fairs at their Fort Myers Beach
location Tuesday, July 9, from 5 to 7 p.m. and Sunday, July 13, from 9 to 11
a.m. Interested persons can also apply in person at either of the two existing
locations. - See more at: http://www.fortmyersbeachtalk.com/page/content.detail/id/523386.html
FUN Events on Fort Myers Beach
Friday July 12th
Saturday July 13th
OKLAHOMA RESCUE BENEFIT Noon-?. Nauti Turtle. Live entertainment, silent auction and raffles all day long. Including a 3-night stay at Pink Shell Resort
7pm, Pieces of Eight Adult Pirate Cruise at Salty Sam's Marina. Free with purchase of an entree at Parrot Key. Ship boards at 6pm for 7pm sail. 463-3257 for reservations.
Doc Ford's offers job fair for new Captiva eatery
For Waterfront Property Sales on Fort Myers Beach:
Phillip Babcock
Century 21 TriPower Reality
Follow this link to search for all properties for sale in South West Florida:
For a free evaluation of your home or condo current
value go to
www.FreeFortMyersHomeValues.com you
will receive 3 recent property sales and 3 current properties for sale, and the
current market value of your property
Receive a Free Home Warranty, value $450.00, with each
property purchase or listing above $150,000
Doc Ford's offers job fair for new Captiva eatery
verall property valuations on Fort Myers Beach are actually higher than initially expected now that a second tax roll has been issued.
Lee County Property Appraiser Ken Wilkinson recently announced the increase for the Beach now stands at 2.22 percent after a report on a second set of valuation numbers was sent June 28. The values provide figures upon which the county, its various municipalities and taxing district base their budgetary revenue numbers.
The first preliminary estimate of total taxable valuation in late May for the Beach was reported to be an increase of 0.74 percent. The values have risen from $3.022 billion (final 2012) to $3.081 billion (currently).
- See more at: http://www.fortmyersbeachtalk.com/page/content.detail/id/523395/Beach-property-values-jump-higher.html?nav=5051#sthash.WUJuTZto.dpuf
Lee County Property Appraiser Ken Wilkinson recently announced the increase for the Beach now stands at 2.22 percent after a report on a second set of valuation numbers was sent June 28. The values provide figures upon which the county, its various municipalities and taxing district base their budgetary revenue numbers.
The first preliminary estimate of total taxable valuation in late May for the Beach was reported to be an increase of 0.74 percent. The values have risen from $3.022 billion (final 2012) to $3.081 billion (currently).
- See more at: http://www.fortmyersbeachtalk.com/page/content.detail/id/523395/Beach-property-values-jump-higher.html?nav=5051#sthash.WUJuTZto.dpuf
Beach property values jump higher
Beach property values jump higher
Beach property values jump higher
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